Troubleshooting of pipe bender motor

2021/10/9 11:37:53
Automatic pipe bender is a newly developed machine in recent years. It can be said that China's automatic machinery industry is developing rapidly, and the development level of automatic machine tool is uneven, and its functional parts of automatic machine tool have played an extremely important role.
The functional parts of machine tools are one of the most important parts of automatic machine tools. Chinese enterprises have always attached great importance to their development. In recent years, the development of functional parts of automatic machine tools in China has made great progress. However, the functional parts of automatic machine tools in China have always been refined and difficult to grow in the environment of "emphasizing host machines and neglecting supporting facilities" and "emphasizing foreign countries and neglecting soil". Especially for a long time, the high price of imported functional parts has led to the high cost of domestic advanced self-made machine products, which directly weakens the competitiveness of domestic machine tools against imported machine tools. Independent intellectual property rights have entered the hearts of producers. Paying attention to research and development is to improve profits.
Causes of faults of the pipe bender motor: when the pipe bender motor is corrected, the number of turns of the stator winding is reduced too much; The power supply voltage is too high; The motor of Y-joint pipe bender is wrongly connected as Δ; During the assembly of pipe bender motor, the rotor is installed reversely, so that the stator core is not aligned and the useful length is shortened; The air gap is too large or uneven; When removing the old winding during overhaul, it is inappropriate to use the hot disassembly method, which will burn the iron core.
Troubleshooting: rewind the stator winding to recover the correct number of turns; Try to recover additional voltage; The motor of the pipe bender is changed to y; Reassemble from scratch; Replace the rotor or adjust the air gap; Repair the iron core or calculate the winding from scratch, and add the number of turns appropriately.
Causes of motor failure of pipe bender
1. When the pipe bender motor is repaired, the number of turns of stator winding is reduced too much;
2. The power supply voltage is too high;
3. The motor of Y-joint pipe bender is wrongly connected as Δ;
4. During the assembly of pipe bender motor, the rotor is installed reversely, so that the stator core is not aligned and the effective length is shortened;
5. The air gap is too large or uneven;
6. When removing the old winding during overhaul, the improper thermal disassembly method will burn the iron core.
Troubleshooting of pipe bender
1. Rewind the stator winding and restore the correct number of turns;
2. Try to restore the rated voltage;
3. The motor of the pipe bender is changed to y;
4. Reassemble;
5. Replace the rotor or adjust the air gap;
6. Repair the iron core or recalculate the winding, and appropriately increase the number of turns.
High speed, high precision, five axis linkage and compound machine tools are the main development direction of machine tools in the future. The functional parts of machine tools must be carried out around this theme, so as to meet the needs of machine tool manufacturers. It can be said that innovation has always been the direction of manufacturers' efforts, and development is the forward goal of manufacturers. With this concept, China's automatic career is bound to gain greater competitiveness in the world.
